Author: Vera Kokkali

EqualityThe centrality of gender equality, women’s empowerment and the realization of women’s rights in achieving social justice has been increasingly recognized in recent decades. This recognition is evident in a number of international norms and agreements. Despite the fact that there are international laws which protect women’s right to education, in many countries, girls are not allowed to attend the school. Violence, conflicts, early marriage, traditional attitudes and extreme poverty are the most in common problems that keep away young women from education. In fact, women represent the two thirds of the world’s 775 million illiterates. Although, even if we are talking about the situation in developed countries, women still face remarkable challenges and obstacles when they decide to follow an academic career.

“I wake up and I don’t hear any bombs,” said one teenager who took the perilous journey from Damascus to Berlin by himself.

BERLIN — Oday was 16 when he made the plan to save his family.